Trip Date: July 16, 2019
Location: Mallorca, Spain
Author: Jennessa West

From museums to cave systems

Our trip to Palma de Mallorca, Spain, was the final leg on a whirlwind 16-day trip through England, France and finally the island of Mallorca, Spain. I figured London and Paris would find us on our feet walking through endless streets in each city in search of museums, food tours, must see and over-hyped this and that’s … and that’s exactly what we got. By day ten – we were spent and had a very tired pre-teen dragging along behind us longing for an adult-sized stroller. 

We reached Mallorca tired and ready for bed and I remember a nearly full moon greeting us upon our arrival. Our hotel looked out over the Mediterranean and the seaside pedestrian-only street below with partygoers and late night (actual dinner hour here) diners below. Finally, our family could relax a bit and take in what all we had just seen. 

I didn’t do much planning for this leg of the trip. The overall goal was to relax and take in the Mediterranean and eat everything possible. The idea of this was absolutely incredible and relaxing. Kicking back would be everything we wanted after spending two weeks traipsing around London and Paris, in and out of crowded museums and tourist hot spots.

Like I said, this leg of the trip was all about relaxation. But: I’m great at relaxing for maybe two days, and then I’ve got to find something else to do. Our hotel concierge was quick to recommend a tour of the caves on Mallorca. Thirty minutes of internet research later, we decided to rent a car and find us a spelunking adventure.

The city of Palma isn’t known for caves. However, Mallorca as a whole has some fascinating underground formations. If you plan to visit any of these, here are some pro tips:

  • Check the opening hours and accessibility of these caves before planning your visit, as they may have specific seasonal schedules or maintenance closures.
  • Wear comfortable shoes with a good sole. Caves can be wet and slippery inside and there may be some climbing or other features.
  • Pack smart: Bring some water, and a flashlight or a head lamp just in case.

Mallorca’s Caves

There are quite a few options on Mallorca to choose from if you are seeking this kind of adventure:

  • Caves of Drach (Cuevas del Drach). These are perhaps the most famous caves on the island and are located on the eastern coast, near the town of Porto Cristo. These are a network of four interconnected caves, which are home to some of the world’s largest underground lakes. Visitors can take guided tours through the caves, and even experience a classical music concert performed on one of the lakes. The caves are known for their stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations.
  • Caves of Hams (Cuevas dels Hams). Also situated near Porto Cristo, the Caves of Hams are named after the word “ham” or fishhook, due to the shape of one of the formations inside. These caves offer guided tours and feature impressive stalactite formations as well as an underground lake. Visitors can take a boat ride on the lake while enjoying the unique atmosphere of the cave.
  • Gorg Blau Cave (Cueva de Can Gorg Blau). This cave is situated in the Tramuntana mountain range in the northwest of Mallorca. It’s not as well-known as other caves but offers an off-the-beaten-path experience. It’s a bit less developed for tourism, making it feel more like an adventurous excursion.
  • Caves of Artà (Cuevas d’Artà). Also known as the Capdepera Caves, these are located on the northeastern coast of Mallorca, near the town of Artà. It is not an exaggeration to say that these caves are STUNNING. They’re known for their impressive chambers and underground galleries. The Caves of Artà are among the most extensive cave systems on the island. Guided tours take visitors through the various chambers, where they can admire the incredible formations, including stalactites and stalagmites. You can also do what we did. Take your time and walk through on your own and later enjoy the village of Artà afterward for lunch or dinner.

Las Cuevas de Artà

The Capdepera Caves (Cuevas de Artà), also known as the “Caves of Artà,” is perhaps the most famous cave system on Mallorca. Located near the towns of Capdepera and Artà, the caves are known for their stunning natural beauty and impressive underground formations. Here are some facts about the Capdepera Caves:

  • Formation and Exploration: The Capdepera Caves are estimated to be around 2 million years old and were formed through the gradual dissolution of limestone rock by groundwater. The caves were likely used by prehistoric humans, as evidenced by archaeological finds of bones and artifacts.
  • Features: The caves are characterized by a series of large chambers and passages adorned with remarkable stalactite and stalagmite formations. Some of these formations are illuminated to enhance their beauty during guided tours.
  • Tour Experience: Visitors can explore the Capdepera Caves by taking guided tours, which typically last around 35 to 40 minutes. The tours are led by knowledgeable guides who provide information about the geological history and the cultural significance of the caves. Visitors will traverse walkways and stairs to access different parts of the cave system.
  • Theater of Sound and Light: One of the highlights of a visit to the Capdepera Caves is the “Theater of Sound and Light.” This is a spectacular audiovisual show that takes place in one of the caverns. The combination of music, lighting effects, and the natural beauty of the cave formations creates a mesmerizing experience for visitors.
  • Accessibility: The caves are accessible to people of various fitness levels, but there are some stairs and uneven terrain, so comfortable footwear is recommended. It’s also a good idea to check the opening hours and availability of guided tours before planning your visit.
  • Cultural Significance: In addition to their natural beauty, the caves have cultural significance on the island. They have been the site of various events and celebrations over the years, and they continue to be an important attraction for both tourists and locals.
Formations within the Cuevas de Artà

The Capdepera Caves are a popular tourist destination on Mallorca, offering a unique opportunity to explore a fascinating underground world filled with remarkable geological formations. Visitors will appreciate both the natural wonder and the cultural heritage associated with these caves during their visit.

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